But many are asking why she looks thinner and sexier than usual on the SI cover, or more aptly, was Kate Upton Photoshopped?
It's a known fact that many cover girls got a little help from Photoshop to improve their looks, so why such as fuss over Kate Upton?
Well, apparently, if you're famous for your curves and other beauty imperfections, then your fans will most likely want to see them all the time. So when the 33D-25-36 model gets digitally enhanced to become slimmer, people will talk.

According to Cheryl Kramer Kaye, the beauty and fashion director at Star magazine, and someone who knows what Photoshop can do, says "Kate Upton's body looks amazing on the SI cover, definitely slimmer than in other photos."
"I think most of the differences can be attributed to flattering body positioning and light conditions, plus strategic spray-tanning," she adds. "Is there some airbrushing? Of course, but nothing out of the norm for a mainstream mag."
And we agree, whether Kate Upton was Photoshopped or not, we like what we see. A beauty that is every bit worth a cover spot for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.